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MLB to Address Player Complaints Over Uniforms

edited May 5 in Off-Topic
The changes, which "will happen at the latest by the beginning of the 2025 season," will also include "fixes to the pants, widely panned this spring for being see-through." The MLBPA informed players of the coming changes in a letter that "placed the blame on Nike" and the debut of its Vapor Premier uniform.

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  • edited May 8
    "Vapor Premier" uniforms?? Did they specify WHAT vapor? I love promo phrases that don't sound all that great.

    One of my favorites: the university in town made a bunch of promo mugs ~ 10 years ago that read: "2013-14: The Year of Engaged Leadership." (Hmm. What about all the other years?)
  • LOL.
  • Crash said:


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