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Lynn, Thank you so much. I am planning on a 3-year ladder since I am a year away from retirement. Lots of spreadsheet work to calculate the income replacement needed. This ladder will create a steady income stream. So thank you for all your help. I moved back to high quality bond funds this year. Some of which you covered in the SA article. For now, I will stay with agency bonds to the bond ladder. I will pick active managers for corporate bonds. Sven


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  • Lynn,
    Thank you so much. I am planning on a 3-year ladder since I am a year away from retirement. Lots of spreadsheet work to calculate the income replacement needed. This ladder will create a steady income stream. So thank you for all your help.

    I moved back to high quality bond funds this year. Some of which you covered in the SA article. For now, I will stay with agency bonds to the bond ladder. I will pick active managers for corporate bonds.

    February 2023
  • Hi Sven,

    It sounds like we are taking the same path.

    In the Fidelity Fixed Income, Bonds & CDs tool, if you select "Bonds" and then "All Offerings", you will arrive at a screener. In the "Show More Criteria" you can select "Yes" for "Call Protection". Under "Product Type", exclude "Corporate High Yield", "TIPs", and "Municipal". The latter two are fine but should be screened separately. For "Ratings", I like Moody's "A2 to Aaa" and for S&P I like "A to AAA". I also like to untick "Show bonds matching either ratings range" so that bonds have to be in both ranges. Set the date range. I set the Yield to worst at about 3.75. You can then run the query. Sort the results from highest yield to lowest.

    The results with Yields more than 4.5% are:
    Federal National Mortgage Association
    Federal Home Loan
    John Deere
    Federal Farm Credit
    Bank America Corp
    US Treasuries
    State Street
    PACCAR Financial

    Hope this helps.
    February 2023
  • johnN
    Yes sir..noted thx so much...
    September 2020
  • davidrmoran
    did you not read the item? :)
    April 2020
  • Hi Sven,

    Thanks for stopping by recently and making comment on the open thread "What are you buying, selling or Pondering? Your comment was much appreciated.

    January 2016