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Don't Be Tempted By This ETF's Strong Performance

FYI: ("Don't Be Tempted by This ETF's Strong Performance", Right ! The Linkster is laughing all the way to the bank. I say to the author Alex Bryan, what the hell are you smoking ? Did you ever look at QQQ's 1 percentile performance ?)

This fund's exchange focus and industry concentration dim some of its shine.


  • All the flaws pointed out by Morning star are minor if you know that you are really buying the top 10 stocks/ in the index. Similarly you should not want to invest in the XLE unless you think prospects for Exxon , Chevron and Schlumberger are good.. Basically if you know what you own when you buy an ETF that's ok and if you don't know what you own you should not
    The only ETFs I would advise that you should not own unless you spend all day at a terminal are the leveraged ETFs but of course most visitors to this site know that.
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