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A call to citizens to boycott campaign contributions (yes, this is political, so skip if you wish)

edited September 2011 in Off-Topic
The user and all related content has been deleted.


  • There doesn't seem to be anything controversial in Schultz's comments as far as I'm concern. Clearly, both political parties share equal blame in all that has transpired over the years or even decades. The only way to take this to 'political controversy' would be to blame one party or the other. The fact is, the political system appears to be broken.

    What America needs, I think, is politicians working together for the betterment of the nation... period, not for their parties and not pandering to the fringe groups on the liberal or conservative sides just to get reelected.

    Lots of dialog, lots of compromise and lots of job creating ideas would be nice. But, I won't hold my breath. Both parties have an agenda. One is to keep the White House. The others is to take it back by any means.
  • I skipped it:)
  • If you choose to sign the e-petition, please do read carefully the disclosure about the extent to which you are granting access to your personal information. It's substantial.
  • I thought about investing a little in Starbucks solely because of this. Didn't do that, but at least went there a few times as a result of the Schultz letter.
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