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L'TARP, aka...Central Banks add to EU bilge pumps to control hull breach...LIP


  • edited September 2011
    L'Too Big to Fail. Maybe I'll put some money with Berkowitz and Fairholme; it's clear that no sizable financial institution will ever be allowed to fail again, no matter how insolvent they are in reality. Berkowitz should go global and start buying crappy financial institutions in other countries - maybe then we can get his "bailout thank you"s to Governments in various languages next year.

    Apparently this is "I'd like to thank you for bailing out your banks" in French: "J'aimerais vous remercier pour renflouer les banques."
  • Howdy Scott,

    For me, the most troubling/implied aspect of backing from the other CB's, is that the Euro Zone banks are not willing to provide overnight or other term length loans amongst themselves..... a credit squeeze/freeze. This is not good !

    Not unlike; "Mark, you know me and I just need a short term bridge loan from you."; stated Scott. Mark's (my) reply would be that I know you want this money to help you pay the mortgages for those 10 rental houses you have, that are now; in a not so nice neighborhood and the renters are not paying you at this time; and that any attempt by you (Scott) to sell the properties to someone else would be futile.
    You're stuck between the rock and hard place; and I am not willing to support your problem, that will likely become worse; with my money.
    Kinda covers the situation, yes ???

    Take care,
  • It sounds to me that you need a really GOOD salesperson.

    Have a good wked,

    P.S. Put a gate on the property, maybe that will help !?
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