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Debt, Deleveraging, and the Liquidity Trap...written by Eggertsson (NY Fed) & Krugman (Princeton)

edited September 2011 in Off-Topic
Academic paper written last November that I came across this week...


  • Me thinks this is a paper only MJG could love :) ....Algebra brush-up needed.
  • I dont under stand all the formula's caus-effect functions. But below is a link to a very interesting descripton of this gridlock saga!!
  • Reply to @Anonymous:


    Interesting times ahead...
  • edited September 2011
    And the most unfortunate thing is that they will absolutely never listen to a word Schiff says. Good speech and worth listening to, but no one in government (well, aside from Ron Paul, who had Schiff as his economic advisor last campaign, not sure if he's in the same role this time around) is going to listen.

    Elsewhere, you have something like Paul Krugman, who talks in the clip below about how FAKING A SPACE ALIEN THREAT SO THAT WE COULD SPEND TO PREPARE FOR IT WOULD BE ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC FOR THE GLOBAL ECONOMY. Let me repeat that, because it needs to be repeated. Krugman, WITH ALL SERIOUSNESS, suggests faking a (bleep)ing space alien attack so that we can throw trillions of dollars down the toilet in the hopes of a (temporary, if even that) economic boost.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Krugman's next suggestion would be to use all of his delusional suggestions at once, which will destroy the economy and then we'll have to spend money to come up with a new form of money which will we have to then use to rebuild the financial system all over again. Reboot and start the spending all over again.

    Lets do some really idiotic stuff to make people think there's an alien invasion, spend trillions and then we'll hire Ashton Kutcher to tell the entire country they've been "Punk'd!"

    I'm sure Larry the Summers is down with the plan, I mean, the first thing he said after the Japanese Earthquake was how good that will be for their economy.

    Wow. Maybe after "Operation Twist 2" and "QE3" don't work, we can try this.

    And really, if we do another LSAP, lets not mess around, shall we? How about 50 trillion, or whatever we were going to spend on Krugman's insane alien invasion. I don't want to hear "Oh gee, this plan didn't work because we didn't spend enough, not because it was a complete flipping failure of an idea" again.

    Yeah, we're not doomed or anything. I mean, with great economic ideas like faking an alien invasion, we're all set.
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