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I am wondering if David may be planning to discuss WESNX in his monthly commentary soon. He hinted at the possibility, I think it was 2 month ago. The reason I ask is that I think of adding to my EM positions and consider starting a position in WESNX. It seems to have good price action, it also seems to be available at Schwab !?(I should try an actual test buy after hours to make sure) - although Fidelity states it is closed to new investors.
I tend to compare it to THDIX, another prospective buy. On first sight WESNX seems to be a little growthier, with smaller market cap, more concentration in Asia and less in LA, some Frontier Market exposure, it has smaller total assets and is more expensive but not excessive.
Any ideas from anyone are welcome. Thanks in advance!


  • Hi, Pete.

    I actually substituted Driehaus EM Small Cap for William Blair EM Small Cap Growth. Would have covered both, but Blair closed to new investors which made coverage a much lower priority.

    Yes, I know Morningstar says it's open. Here's what Blair wrote to me:

    "We closed the Emerging Markets Small Cap Growth strategy to new investors across all vehicles on October 1, 2013. The closing of the strategy is consistent with William Blair’s philosophy of controlling asset growth to maintain the integrity of our investment process and performance for our clients. "

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