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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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  • John, you should not copy and paste whole articles. It is a copyright violation. Besides the article you pasted is available via the original source at:
  • Oh well, then. What's the harm? Technically, it might be against the law. But what is right and good and just is hardly even on speaking terms with what is LEGAL.
  • I read that first article, through the top link you shared, JohnN. That guy and I think alike. He knows how to phrase it and explain his case better than myself, though. Thanks for that. All of us like to have our hunches confirmed, and I hope that's not all I'm doing. We must expose ourselves to various different sources and sort through it all to put together our own strategies and portfolio allocations.
  • I really like this section of the article in the 1st link............................

    If, when you watch or read the financial news, you say to yourself, "This is crazy!" you'd often be right, says David Laibson, a Harvard economics professor.

    Laibson's brain scans of people making difficult financial decisions, for example, have shown how hard-wired emotions can prevent investors from being the rational profit maximizers they need to be to invest wisely. ,One of the recent studies that Laibson was involved in used MRI brain images to prove that people are less emotional when it comes to making money-related decisions for others than when making moves that require their own immediate sacrifice.

    Reminds one of U.S. Congress and the rules that "do not" govern the investment banks, putting the citizen's head on the chopping block............

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