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Schwab Signs M* To Provide Equity Research, Ratings

FYI: (This is a follow-up article)
Deal will give advisers access to sector reports and pick lists, as well as daily, weekly and quarterly outlook reports.


  • Interesting.

    This mean I can drop my subscription to M* Premium?

    Wonder if this also means M* becomes more or less dependent.

    So, will Schwab funds and EtFs now get more analyst coverage? Be considered for more metals?

    Will Schwab cut its own analyst staff? Basically out-source this function.

    Perhaps this may mean M* analysts will get more pay and stature in industry. Maybe more motivation to stay.

  • Probably it means that Schwab will drop one of the other outside analysts (S&P, Argus, or CS) that it is currently paying for.

    A while back, before I got my mother to leave Merrill Lynch, ML was giving her access to M*'s reports as one of their outside analysts required by law, so this is nothing new for M*.
  • Charles said:


    This mean I can drop my subscription to M* Premium?

    Wonder if this also means M* becomes more or less dependent.

    So, will Schwab funds and EtFs now get more analyst coverage? Be considered for more metals?

    Will Schwab cut its own analyst staff? Basically out-source this function.

    Perhaps this may mean M* analysts will get more pay and stature in industry. Maybe more motivation to stay.


    I am reading M* research available to advisors only...

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