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The World Series Predictor

FYI: — Unless the Kansas City Royals can win the next two games of the World Series, look for the Democrats to do unexpectedly well in next week’s mid-term elections.
That’s because of a little-known indicator that used to have a large following. According to the so-called World Series Predictor, Republicans should do especially well on Election Day if the American League team — this year, the Royals — wins the World Series. In contrast, a win by the National League team — the San Francisco Giants this year — supposedly bodes well for the Democrats.


  • Lets go Royals, been drinking at the marina so have to take a about game 7.
    You Two tough teams...up till end...
  • Tampabay said:

    Lets go Royals, been drinking at the marina so have to take a about game 7.
    You Two tough teams...up till end...

    Even I could drink a case of Bud Light and not need a nap!


  • Your mean...I'm nice...but I'll start again at 8:00pm..thats twice...OK?
  • Tampabay said:

    Your mean...I'm nice...but I'll start again at 8:00pm..thats twice...OK?

    It is either "You are" mean or You're mean". It is not "Your mean".


  • @Mona, The chemicals in that Bud lite are having their effect. Ghastly stuff.
  • @Mona, The chemicals in that Bud lite are having their effect. Ghastly stuff.

    Hi John,

    Must be the chemicals, because it certainly can't be the buzz!


  • Mona, your the best speller I've ever met, any other talents?
    Told you my Royals 7 here we the for snacks...oh well who cares
  • If we consider the implications for a minute... are we really sure we want the Republicans to control Congress for the next two years? They will be blamed for all lack of progress and could make the Presidential election more difficult, whereas Obama has shown he can damage the Democrats without even trying hard. Maybe waiting two years and having a chance at the trifecta would be better than winning now. Just a thought.

    OK, I'm going for the tequila (to drink during the game:)) and I'll still hope for the American League even considering my question.

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