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is POAGX really only five years old?

i just went to run a risk profile comparing POAGX to PHRSX and, well, come to find out that according to the profile, POAGX is only five years old and thus the metrics that are spit out can't easily be used to compare the two funds. see: and yet if i go to morningstar, i see that POAGX's chart started in 2005. what am i missing here?

also: it sure would be nice to be able to set a customized starting date for risk-profile comparisons. that way, if one fund is very old and another fund is just sort-of old, you could set the date to just sort-of old and the resulting stats would be directly comparable. the way it is now is sometimes, it seems to me, less than useful. what do you think?


  • I think POAGX just recently hit the 10 year mark or it will very soon. That probably means the risk statistics just haven't updated yet and/or should soon.
  • edited December 2014

    A quick check indicates birth at 11-1-2004.

    The chart is for return compares, versus a risk profile as you noted.
    You may move either or both ends of the "day" slider to change the date range.

    Compare chart
  • Re: risk metrics, it's possible that you are only getting 5 years worth because that's all M* offers unless you have a premium membership. Just a hunch.
  • The MFO data will update in early January as I understand
  • okay, got it. i still would like to see MFO allow user-input start dates for comparisons. most of the stats do me no good when one find is three years old and the next is 15 years old.
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