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Issue in downloading the Great owls

Tried to download the equity owls listing, but all 3 download icons in the page lead to fixed income xl sheet download only (115 entries of bonds) with no way to download asset allocation/equity listings.


  • @dicksonL

    Sorry we missed your post. I'm hopeful that @Charles will be able to help.
  • Hi dicksonL.

    Sorry you are having trouble.

    You just need to download once.

    The Fixed Income, Asset Allocation, and Equity Great Owl funds are each on separate sheets...just click on the appropriate tab in lower left of spread sheet.

    Here's snapshot of what you should see when you open downloaded spreadsheet (without the arrow):


    If you are still having trouble, message me...and work will to correct soonest.

  • If you stand under a tree, will an Owl download on you? Sorry! these things pop into my head drinking beer and watching Golf.....but
    Really your doing a good Job MFO, & Owls...Regards tb
  • @Charles: Thanks. Sorry I did not realize that they were in different tabs of same excel sheet. I am able to see them now. The issue is that I have been adding to the same 9 equity MFs in taxable a/c, month after month, in rotation that I thought I will get some new prospects.(btw, I used to browse thru the fundalarm honor roll few years ago quite frequently).
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