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HAMP on HEMP; take a number, Catch.....LIP

edited March 2012 in Off-Topic
Of course, you be the judge of another fix.

Back in the hippie-dippie days, if someone seemed to make an incorrect decision; be it in jest or of consequence; one might hear the phrase: "You been smok'in hemp?"

I'm gonna have to go online to find whether Mr. Lesko still has information on where one may find how to qualify for some type of free money from the government.

Our house must be eligible for some type of assistance for some type of poor decision that we have made; in order to cover any possible losses.

Darwin must be rolling over in his grave; as there is no longer any sense of natural order. Nothing will be allowed to die a natural death, to find its own path; as long as a government program or bailout is in place or birthed to cover something that was not covered before.

End of morning rant............more coffee, please.



  • edited March 2012
    "Things I've Learned" (and boy, some great lessons being taught to generations younger than mine):
    1. "Old fashioned" fiscal responsibility is silly. Fiscal irresponsibility is what gets you the bailouts.
    2. Being a saver means being screwed over again and again.
    3. What's a mortage? Something to walk away from when the investment goes South or, alternatively, see #1. Or, lastly, something your neighbor doesn't pay and goes to Disneyland with the money he's saving (and there's certainly been enough articles about people doing all manner of things after not paying their mortgage) while you continue to pay the mortgage you committed to.

    Actually, Dick Bove said it better than I did: "There is no sanctity of contracts in the United States. Only fools meet their financial commitments."

    "The non-payers are the truly enlightened. Those people lucky or smart enough to stop making payments on their homes may get their loan balances reduced. Other beneficiaries of the agreement may be homeowners who have seen the value of their houses drop below the size of their mortgages. They get a freebie that other homeowners who have paid their mortgages down will not get....Homeowners who made large down payments on their homes or made the terrible mistake to pay down the principal on their mortgages do not qualify. Homeowners who made minimal or no down payments will get the windfall benefit of a lower principal repayment or a cash payment."
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