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The Markets & More ... February 6, 2017

edited February 2017 in The OT Bullpen
Good morning,

This past Friday the S&P 500 Index closed with a reading of 2,297 up +0.73% for the day and +2.62% year-to-date. For the day the three best performing sectors were financials, energy and industrials. Year-to-date, the three best performing sectors are materials, technology and consumer discretionary.

Currently, Old_Skeet's market barometer for the S&P 500 Index has a fair value reading of 149. The barometer's fair value reading ranges form 147 to 153. Note: Forward Earnings Estimates are the main driver that's keeping the barometer reading in fair value territory; otherwise, it would reflect a reading of over valued but not over bought.

In checking the markets this morning as I write Europe is mostly down with the exception being London while Asia-Pacific is mostly up with the exception being Australia. Here in the States the furtures are pointing for stocks to be flat to down and government bonds up. The U S 10 year closed Friday with a yield of 2.469%.

Morningstar's Market Fair Value Graph

This Weeks Signal ... Remains Small Caps

The Week That Was ... And, The Week Ahead ...

The S&P 500 Weekly Earnings Update

Jeff Miller: A Dash of Insight ...

Jeffrey Saut (Raymond James) ... Weekly Commentary ... And, The Call For This Week

Want to know "Who's Calling" and what's said about them? Run the caller's number through this site ...

Check back through the day as additional links may get posted.

Wishing all ... "Good Investing."

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