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Cardinal sin committed without intending to do so and hijacking FMIJX thread. Attempting to correct the mistake.

@AndyJ. So these kind of funds you buy because of HOW they invest. This is what I call "Manager Risk" that you are willing to assume. For "Market Risk" there are index funds. I don't have any deep insight into APPLX. Just like I don't have that deep insight into the other funds I mentioned. It is just part of my go anywhere collection where you trust manager including his decision to go cash/gold. My hope is as a collection these funds will do well for me over time.

As an aside, SEQUX was once supposed to be part of this collection. However I could never pulled the trigger. MUHLX was once part of this collection. My rants on fund-alarm tell you why I quit this fund long time back.

I don't invest in individual stocks. So all these funds I mentioned are my "speculative" funds. Sometimes, when I see a lot of risk I only play with house's money. Also I never re-invest distributions, and I will only add following my "when you by vs what you buy" rule. So if FAIRX tanks 50% tomorrow, I might consider buying a little more. Else I will never add to the position.

Hope that makes some sense. Especially for these funds I expect manager commitment of his own money. BULLX was in this list and I sold it after learning Manager sold all his shares. Later realized he was transitioning out to a team and I see now new managers have some investment but not a whole lot. It's on my list to track along with BVAOX. If there is no significant market correction, I might never buy these funds. If there is one, there is good chance I will.


  • edited March 2017
    Good idea to move the thread.

    My only add about APPLX is that the asset class breakdown apparently hasn't changed much in the past few years at least, so I wouldn't think of it as a go-anywhere fund with much flexibility. I'd think of it more like the Pimco All Asset siblings (PASDX, PAUDX) which have a definite thesis that basically never changes and an asset allocation to match, a pretty bad record in recent years hanging onto a thesis that's not been working, and just about always qualifies for the ol' "stopped clock" saying.

    Keep in mind this is coming from a guy who thought he'd found a keeper & was subsequently very much underwhelmed and disappointed in the management team's direction, beyond the results alone.

    No opinions on the other funds - never had any experience with them.
  • I used to have JORDX in this list. Unfortunately manager closed the fund. I guess it was not gathering enough assets. I would have thought $150MM was enough for him. Apparently not.

    PVFIX is another fund that belongs to my list. Largely in cash forever, but I like it. Sometimes its about keeping money in cash or in a fund like COBYX, PVFIX. It's about Prudent risk. On the other hand, sometimes you just go with a CGMFX and FAIRX. Wierd Science, and I think that's okay.
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