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"Sell in May" is turning out to be out to be the right call for stocks.

edited May 2017 in Off-Topic
Even though I have reduced my investment activity I still visit certain sites daily and came across the article linked below. Seems Old_Skeet's market barometer is turning out to be a pretty good market blood hound.

Enjoy your summer ...


  • well, we haven't quite rolled over right? Seems like late 90s. LG is crushing SV. I'm darn close to putting some money into my SV.
  • beebee
    edited May 2017
    Three weeks into about we let this play out a little bit?

    My portfolio which is unscientifically 60/40 is doing as well, maybe even a little better, this month compared to my prior 2017 month to month performance.

    I might add...consider looking outside the US when deciding on adding equities and bonds.
  • I've already overweighted international in my 401ks. Moved to Target retirement funds instead of S&P 500
  • @MFO Members: Here is the counter argument !
    Busting the Sell in May and Go Away Myth:
  • edited May 2017
    Hi @bee, @VintageFreak & @Ted + 0thers ...

    Old_Skeet did not write the article ... just posted it. Although, I agree with much that was said ... I too think it a little early to make the claim, although it works more times than not, that it worked this year. It does state in the article ... "thus far this year." Interestingly, my barometer does indicated that some of the underline footings, of the 500 Index, are starting to soften. And, I'm thinking price will follow if this softness continues.

    Anyway, I am now at my summer asset allocation awaiting investment opportunity while I enjoy many summer associated activities.
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