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Did anyone else notice Vanguard's website changes today?

edited August 2012 in Fund Discussions
When you log in to your own portfolio balances, the very first column shown for each fund is "expense ratio". I don't want to see this every time I check my portfolio but that's what Vanguard wants me to see. The fact that they didn't post the ER's accurately was even more disappointing. I only checked 6 of my funds that seemed most out of line and they were all way overstated. ER for RWGFX was reported as 3.71% (vs. 1.25 on M*). RHPYX was reported as 2.18% (vs. 1.25 of M*). If you're a Vanguard brokerage customer, recommend doing your own research before hitting the sell button.


  • These changes are slowly being rolled out. I have seen reports of it on Bogleheads for a few weeks, but the changes haven't hit my accounts yet. (One of my accounts did get notified that changes are "coming soon.") Anyway, just pointing this out in case other readers get confused.

    Btw, I also hold RWGFX and RPHYX. Becoming quite the MFO junkie here...
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