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Big Bets Are Great, When They Are Right: (AOFAX) - (AMAGX) - (TARKX)

FYI: The managers of three mutual funds have been making bigger-than-average bets on their favored ideas, and their shareholders recently benefited.

In the language of the investing world, their funds are concentrated, with perhaps a few dozen holdings, instead of the hundreds typical of a big index fund like an Standard & Poor's 500 ( .SPX ) offering.

Focused investing like this can hurt if the chosen stocks plunge, but that didn't happen to these funds in the third quarter: The managers' bets paid off, and the results for each of these concentrated funds landed them among the quarter's best performers.

M* Snapshot AOFAX:

M* Snapshot AMAGX:

M* Snapshot TARKX:


  • edited October 2018
    AOFAX is one of three holdings held in my small/mid cap sleeve which is found in the growth area of my portfolio. I added this position in late winter of 2018 and have been building it through a position cost average buy process. I'll be a most happy camper if performs anything like one of it sister funds SPECX has.
  • @Old_Skeet: You said, " late winter of 2018." According to my calendar winter doesn't begin till December 21st.
  • edited October 2018
    Hi @Ted, Thanks for reading behind me. The winter I was thinking of began in December of 2017 and ran thru March 20, 2018. Thus, by my thinking, Feburary of 2018 would be late winter. Would it not? If my thinking is wrong please correct me.
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