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Marching Toward the Madness

FYI: It’s too early to think about March madness, the basketball tournament, but not about the madness coming in March.

There’s March 1, a “hard deadline” for a China deal, according to the top U.S. trade representative. Without one, it’s all-out tariff tag until one side skins a knee.

Also on March 1, the U.S. debt ceiling kicks back in after a suspension. That’s a borrowing limit that Congress periodically imposes, ignores, and inflates, mostly because it spices up the fiscal role-playing. Only this time, there’s a government shutdown that’s creeping closer to the do-or-die on debt. Physicists don’t know what would happen if two bluffs of that magnitude collided—but it probably wouldn’t be good for investors.
Ted Feed for Barrons Magazine
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