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The Things John Bogle Taught Us: Humility, Ethics And Simplicity

FYI: So many people have John Bogle stories.

For some, it is a chance encounter at a conference and a whispered word of advice. For others, it is a formal meeting. In one case, it was an airplane day trip and train ride just to meet the man.

Many others never met him, but remember the moment his investment and life philosophies clicked, and suddenly thrust their minds into focus.

When Mr. Bogle, the Vanguard founder who popularized the low-cost index mutual fund and helped put billions more dollars in the pockets of millions of people, died on Wednesday at the age of 89, he inspired an outpouring of memories.


  • Humility is under-rated, especially in the current generation, it seems.

    Bogle was a man of character, and a constant reminder of the Yankee values my parents and grandparents tried to instill in me.

    I didn't always agree with him, but always listened to what he had to say.

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