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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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OT and political but non-partisan

Howdy folks,

I like this a LOT. Please spend a few minutes to watch and consider.

And so it goes,




  • edited March 2019
    Hi @rono, Agree the piece is non-partisan. I’ve bookmarked their homepage and will go back frequently to find ways I can help bring some of those democratic principals and practices to fruition.

    The skeptic in me wonders if those alone will fix the underlying issue. I happen to agree more with Pogo: “We have met the enemy ...“. I’m currently tempted to throw a shoe at the TV every time I view a national newscast (CBS, NBC, ABC). The networks know exactly what the majority of American viewers really care about. I hate to inform you, but it’s Michael Jackson (not Robert Mueller, Jerome Powell or Kim Jong-um).

    Here’s a bound-to-fail proposal: To register to vote one needs to pass an elementary historical literacy test.

    Directions - Write a complete sentence or two in which you explain the historical significance of each subject. Spelling and grammar errors accepted. We just want to determine whether you know anything at all about the past. Intelligent responses to any four of the following will qualify you to vote.

    A few sample topics: (which everyone who’s completed middle school should know something about)

    1. The Magna Carta
    2. The Declaration of Independence
    3. The Berlin Wall
    4. NATO
    5. The Cuban Missile Crisis
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