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Yet another reason not to take Zack's seriously.

edited May 2011 in Fund Discussions
Today's entry, "Top 5 Pacific Mutual Funds," all with a "#1 Rank (Strong Buy)" includes Matthews Asia Growth & Income, Macsx, and lists Andrew Foster as still being manager.

Meanwhile, everybody on earth who pays attention knows Macsx is a closed fund, and somehow the Zacksters missed the barrage of media about Foster's leaving the firm months ago.


  • Did you notice none of the fund links in the article go to a functional page?

    Could be Top 5 articles are computer generated - there is no real author.
    Although it is possible it was dredged from a pile of articles to recycle from last year or possibly from 1999-2005.
  • It is due to Yahoo re-publishing the article and incorrectly modifying the links in original article.
  • It does read like boilerplate-maybe Zack is just Hal the computer, back from deep space.
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