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Chuck Jaffe's Money Life Show: Guest: Charles Norton, Co- Manager Global Fund: (VICEX)

FYI: (Slide Mouse To 38:35 Minutes For Charles Norton Interview.)

Patrick O'Hare, chief market strategist at, said that low rates have steered a market through a time of no-earnings growth and have the market poised to keep pushing forward despite headline risks over trade concerns, impeachment, the upcoming election and more. O'Hare said he expects 2020 to not be quite as good as 2019 -- in part because some good news has been pulled forward and priced in already -- but he expects a positive outcome through the election and for the election year. Also on the show, we revisit a recent interview with Jim Welsh of smart Portfolios, Chuck talks rewards-card offers with Ted Rossman of, and Charles Norton of the Vitium Global Fund (VICEX) makes his debut talking sin stocks in the Market Call.

M* Snapshot VICEX
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