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U.S. energy shareholders seek to leave behind a lost decade

Just piggy-backing on John's earlier post, this one by Reuters.

"BY LEWIS KRAUSKOPF AND Jessica Resnick-Ault

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The 2010s was a lost decade for shares of U.S. energy companies overall. Volatile commodity prices amid growing supply, poor financial performance and disfavor from some investor groups all contributed to the energy sector's transformation from investor darling to investor outcast.

U.S. crude prices fell more than 20% during the 2010s, while the rise of alternative energy also brought pressure, with some stock buyers shunning fossil fuel investments as socially irresponsible.

But with the dawn of a new decade, some investors say the sun is also rising on energy shares."

Article continues


  • Somewhat in that wheelhouse, I bought some KYN (a MLP/Midstream CEF) at the start of the month. Its up about 13% through today's close, so it seems as though at least a short term bottom has been established....hopefully more!
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