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Japan revises foreign investment rules, not more than 1%

Perhaps of interest to those invested in the country or area.



  • I wonder if there's a language barrier for the author or if he's just being facetious by using "white" instead of "whitelisted":
    "Joining the White Countries Club

    It is extremely difficult to anticipate US security strategies from the outside. When the US Treasury Department published its whitelist in January 2020, Britain, Canada, and Australia were the only countries making the list. Japan was not included, and the government’s hope that its own legal revision would ease the way to its designation as a white country was not fulfilled at this time."
  • Hi @LewisBraham

    Yes, I noticed that too. Decided to read the write and let that be whatever.....
  • not facetious, just dismayingly wrongheaded shorthand, I think it is clear
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