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2,596 Trades in One Term: Inside Senator Perdue’s Stock Portfolio

edited December 2020 in Off-Topic
How does he ever find the time. Also his timing is excellent.

NY Times Article


  • "An examination of Mr. Perdue’s stock trading during his six years in office reveals that he has been the Senate’s most prolific stock trader by far, sometimes reporting 20 or more transactions in a single day."

    I think it's safe to assume his constituants were not a priority.
    When a senator sits on a (sub)committee which can directly impact a company/industry,
    they should not trade any corresponding stocks.
    Regardless if there were any improprieties, senators may be seen as exploiting their
    powerful positions to generate profits for themselves.

  • Wow, what a scum bag. He would get fired in private industry.
  • edited December 2020
    @Sven - the latest buzz is that both he and Loeffler both invested in Dupont after receiving Covid briefings in February. Dupont is the maker/supplier of body bags and toe tags.

    More color on Perdue-Loeffler stock trading
  • edited December 2020
    They are beyond corrupt.

    Since they are employees of the government, where is the watch dogs to ensure these sorts of conflict of interest do not take place? I understand there is annual reporting process on personal holdings. Diversified funds, ETFs, OEFs, index funds are okay where individual stocks are reviewed thoroughly.
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