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Too Big to Fail - The Cloud

More than a decade on from the financial crisis, regulators are spooked once again that some companies at the heart of the financial system are too big to fail. But they're not banks.

This time it's the tech giants including Google (GOOGL.O), Amazon (AMZN.O) and Microsoft (MSFT.O) that host a growing mass of bank, insurance and market operations on their vast cloud internet platforms that are keeping watchdogs awake at night.


  • At present Amazon and Microsoft are bidding for DoD’s multiple $B cloud service. In the old days, each company has their own data storage centralized over several locations. Today it is cheaper to farm out the corporate level data storage to the cloud service providers. In addition, it is easier to have outside party to assume the liability on the security of company data. The latest data breach at T-Mobile indicates that they not very good in securing their customers personal information.

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