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A fund with no down days in 2013 Part II

edited March 2013 in Fund Discussions
LSFYX adjusting for monthly dividends pretty much has had no down days in 2013. A testament to the floating rate/bank loan sector.

A subject for another time but the maxim "if it isn't going up get out" explains why I am almost out of PONDX in the bond part of my portfolio. And sure love the bank stocks here.

Edit: I should add there are better bank loan funds out there than LSFYX and I prefer the ones that accumulate dividends daily and pay out end of month as opposed to how LSFYX treats their monthly dividend.


  • beebee
    edited March 2013
    ING has a floating Rate fund that is available Load waived...symbol...XSIAX.lw...load version is XSIAX. Any thoughts on this fund?

    In a different direction but still considered "income", Faiholme's Income fund FOCIX has also not had any down days and has crushed PONDX, LSFYX, and XSIAX. The second chart has FOCIX added to the others

    Chart comparison between PONDX,LSFYX and XSIAX.lw:

  • edited March 2013
    Are you comfortable with making such changes? LSFYX and especially XSIAX was doing horribly bad in 2009, much, much worse than PONDX. Of course momentum is on their side now, but this momentum shift is only about 1 month old. If searching for momentum, why not going with stocks which are doing much better than all of these funds now? (FOCIX is an exception, but it is more risky than many equity funds.)
  • edited March 2013
    Bee, I would love to be able to get the ING fund but the I class and W class both no load are not available at Scottrade, just the load version. About the best I have at Scottrade is NFRIX which I own and PSFIX. I've been aware of FOCIX but it is pretty much all Sears and MBIA bonds, too risky for my tastes.

    andrei, PONDX has performed admirably YTD compared to most bond funds but when they stall I exit. Not a popular strategy here I realize. And I posted the other day (3/13) all my equity fund and individual stock moves (lots of banks) I am 33% there now and that gives me more than enough bang for my buck. Added some JPM today.
  • edited March 2013
    i know you despise volatility of the closed end fund universe. however, nuveen-symphony managed JRO, JQC and JSD killed NFRIX on YTD and since inception basis. oh, the magic of leverage and investor greed! (and fear, like today.)
  • Reply to @fundalarm: You have me pegged right. I stay as far away as possible. The volatility driven by the leverage and premiums/discounts to NAV not my cup of tea. And, weren't there some absolutely absurd down side moves in the closed end universe on the flash crash day in May 2010?
  • Reply to @Hiyield007: i don't argue with you re volatility. for some, it might present opportunity though..
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