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edited August 31 in Other Investing
Today I rearranged the deck chairs by consolidating down from 9 roughly equal positions + cash to 7 roughly equal positions + cash. There are no new funds - just adding to existing ones and retiring some stock holds and one etf. Working in both the Trad and Roth, “available” cash was tight. Didn’t want to overshoot and submit an order for something without adequate cash to cover. Got complicated. Thought I’d done my homework, but at first blush the numbers didn’t add up. Had to cancel several pending OEF “buy” orders - some twice - before I caught an obvious oversight. With 5 minutes left until the 4 PM close I got it all figured out and the 5 pending OEF purchases lined up to go through overnight. One CEF and one ETF went through same day. Whew!

It’s a tribute to Fidelity's excellent platform that I didn’t “kill the goose” somewhere along in the process - or worse yet, end up with half goose and half turkey.


  • Soon you"ll be doing them in your sleep.
  • Mark said:

    Soon you"ll be doing them in your sleep.

    Send me a drink if you have one!
  • Lots of "moving parts" for today's activities.
    Glad that everything was sorted out!
  • I’ve been rebalancing my Fidelity accounts this week, and it all went smoothly. It is very easy to do these things on the Fidelity site. What surprises me even more is their website shows my new asset allocations almost immediately.
  • @hank - it would be my pleasure.
  • edited August 31
    :) Thank you!
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