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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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  • I geta warning about malicious content . Anyone know what's going on ?
  • Seems to be a lot of redirects on that link. The final result ends up at StockTwits which I have heard has a lot of malware/virus activity.
  • I went directly to and didn't encounter any problems. (There is a StockTwits banner but I didn't see a redirect.)

    Anyway here is the table:
    Sector Gain
    Discretionary 289.72%
    Financials 235.87%
    Industrials 217.97%
    Tech 167.38%
    S&P 500 165.65%
    Material 157.32%
    Health Care 147.62%
    Staples 133.12%
    Telecom 116.40%
    Energy 110.56%
    Utilities 100.87%
  • Reply to @JohnChisum: There is no malware/virus at, the site is clean. Can't speak for
  • Thanks Anna glad I now don't have to go back to the site since the info is helpful and Thanks Ted for all your posts which help to make this site great.
  • Reply to @Ted: When I clicked on the link, I ended up at StockTwits which had the article you mentioned. Nowhere in the link does it say ST so that adds to the suspicion.
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