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Looking for a short-term bond fund

edited July 2011 in Fund Discussions
Wow, it's been a while. I missed the closure of the old site:-(

Anyway, looking for a nice short-term bond fund that pays more than 0.000000001% in interest. I have Fidelity so anything NTF through them is preferred. What's popular nowadays?


  • Just in case you missed it, a pretty good discussion about 20-25 threads down on the Riverside fund. As pointed out, not w/o risk, but if your seeking yield, aint gonna find it in plain ol cash. As plain vanilla short term funds go, Prices ain't bad, PRWBX, but I'm personally leary of even this one if rates start risin. On idea that might work if ya got alot in short stuff would be a 50/50 mix of one of the short junk funds along with something like PRWBX or even PRGMX, which ain't exactly short, to help mitigate risk. Almost forgot, David did nice write up on the Riverside fund in this months comment page.
  • Howdy,

    This Bloomberg link is for short term bond funds by YTD rank.
    Keep in mind that many of the short term funds have a .4-.5% expense, so the total return will be slim. You may also consider the popular etf SHY, which has an expense of .15%; and follows the 1-3 year Treasury issues. We also have Fido access and will give you a big list from which to choose, eh?
    Although not happy about D.C. and that crowd, I suspect we will await the outcome before choosing what to do with our 13% cash position. If one had a handle on outcomes of the debt talks, one probably could make some good placements now.
    I have read and listened to enough fairly clear thinkers regarding the debt discussions and do not have a clear image of investment ramifications going in either direction; so we sit on the fench here.
    Take care,
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