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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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an Oakseed update

Dear friends,

The guys wrote today to let us know that they're live on the Fidelity platform. John adds:
We also noticed on the discussion board that someone attempted to invest in the fund through Fidelity. Although we did complete the paperwork and contract with Fidelity a few weeks ago, we were told they still have to do some testing with our fund distributor before allowing it to be purchased on their platform. The latest we have been told is Wednesday of this week, although that is subject to various tests passing. In any event, most investors will probably want to wait until next week regardless given our income and capital gain distribution will be made early next week for record holders as of this Friday. We will include Fidelity in our Invest section of our website and notify you the minute it is available.

On a related note, we received notice today that, while only an estimate, about 95% of the income dividend will be in the form of qualified dividends (from the dividends of the fund's stocks) and as such will be treated more favorably than ordinary income for tax purposes. Caveats apply of course regarding all estimates being subject to change.
For what interest it holds,



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