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Dear Apple and Samsung, $1,000 is way too much for a smartphone, consumers say Tech&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=narrative&utm_term=hero

Dear Apple and Samsung, $1,000 is way too much for a smartphone, consumers say
Jefferson Graham | USA TODAY Updated 34 minutes ago

For Bill Wilson, it's simple. He won't pay $1,000 for a smartphone. Period.

2k for new fold phone omg


  • @MFO Members: I think its far better talking to a human about phone service rather than a computer !
  • I recently ran into a 21st century problem. Our cell phone android version will not run the apps required for upgrading my home to smart. Namely I couldn't connect a Ring Doorbell Pro to my router because my router password resulted in a "Failed" message. Hours on the phone with the nice guys at Ring, installing a more powerful powerline transformer, trying multiple permutations of router settings, swapping an old router in to see if the router was the problem, etc. resulted in concluding the problem might be the Amazon Fire on which I was running the setup app. So we terminated the calls so I could devote my phone to the app because (maybe) the fire wasn't up to standards with ordinary android. Well, my phone (TracFone Alcatel) was worse. Google Play Store wouldn't install the app saying it didn't run on my android version (which I cannot upgrade). So I asked Amazon for a replacement but, unfortunately, the replacement they sent was an open box item with a dead device inside.

    A similar problem occurred with my iRobot products but I solved it via my phone which accepted the app.

    I need a phone device without a phone contract running a standard recent android. I need an inexpensive one. I'd call it a tablet or notebook or something but the software today is tested on things built to be used as phones whatever the difference is. Phones without services (unlocked) are expensive when you don't need a service but need something to run household apps. I guess it's time for the old lady to retire and leave the fun stuff to younger guys with different spending priorities or time for the old lady to quit being so cheap about the cost of the phone service she uses once or twice in three months.

    Got off T really big. Right now phone tech is chipping at my shoulder. I don't need a better camera (or more things with cameras on board). I just need something to do and smart homing seemed like fun until the most expensive item became my phone.
  • edited August 2019
    Hello maybe you can take small 20 % partial deductions w taxations if you _use- these w your work business related... Make sure you have evidence

    I love the Sony Xperia or huweaii android.. Fractions costs compared iphhine and does same thing.. Just wait for 6 months after they are out and buy refurbished

    Huawei has issues w us gov and trump tarrifs so I may stay away from them, althoughmycuurrent android is Huawei and it does everything I wanted... For 2.8 yrs now
  • Tried a Samsung phone for 3 months and it got inflected with malwares downloaded from Google app store! Never trust android phones if your value your privacy, especially relating to financial matters. Got an iPhone 5 years ago and it is still running strong. Considering all factors involved, the initial cost is only one of many to considered.

    Also we already use several Apple products including iMac and iPads. Integration all Apple devices is truly seamless.
  • It really is crazy to spend so much for a phone, although I also think it's crazy what people I know have to pay for medicine that cost five cents a pill to manufacture or doctor's visits that last five minutes.
  • edited August 2019
    Thanks I'll check those out.
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