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Investing 101-Beginner's Guide to Brokerages

edited February 2020 in Off-Topic

Beginner's Guide to Brokerages
Motley Fool
/If you want to start buying stock or other investments, you need a brokerage account. But many people don't even know what a brokerage account is, let alone how to open one or what to look for in a broker. Below, you'll learn everything you need to know about brokerages so you can find the one that’s right for your investing needs./

What are your favorite-most preferred brokerage acct. In this household we have vanguard merrilledge and schwab. Very happy that vanguard finally reduced the trading fees for non vanguard Stocks/Etf past few months which made vanguard precious. Best place buy private corporations bonds maybe at vanguard


  • ML is great if you are all diy (which presumably is not the case for many readers) and your OCD can bear that all fractional sales / sweeps take a month if not more

    Plus they have some omissions, things with derivatives alleged and other, which they do not like; I am assuming Vanguard lets you trade etn CAPE, for example, for free or cheap.
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