Anyone know of a discount brokerage or fund house that handles Solo 401ks?
Currently, I have about half my my Solo 401k in a Fidelity account. Most of the account is funds, but there are a few individual stocks. Problem is, the account is "non-prototype" (their term), so I can't trade or add to positions online: I either have to visit to the local branch, which is the opposite direction from most of my daily and weekly activities, or mail in the paperwork. It's a pain in the keester, not to mention hugely inconvenient.
I'd also like to consolidate my Solo 401k under one roof: currently, I have funds purchased directly from Fairholme, Royce, D&C, Matthews, and TRP in the account, in addition to the funds and stocks in the Fido non-prototype account, so it's becoming a little unwieldy to manage the thing.
I have taxable and Roth IRA accounts with Scottrade, but they're not set up for solo 401ks so that's a no-go. Any other suggestions or recommendations?
I was the only full-time employee, and chose each and every fund into which the money would go. I did not have to choose from off of a not-so-great list of approved funds. But of course, then you're "married" to that particular fund family...
...Although, in such a case, there'd be nothing stopping you from simply opening another 401k, with a different fund family. I just chose not to do so, for the sake of simplicity. Just make sure your Treasurer or Payroll office has your wishes and desires and selections straight and correct. ...Yes, I see you have some individual stocks, too. I never did. But there must be a way to iron this out. (I was a pastor, and did not have a lot of hoops to jump through about this stuff. I simply had a conversation with my treasurer, in each of the churches I served, and communicated any changes I wanted to make to him/her.)
I discovered this morning that FIDO now offers a Solo 401k prototype account, and that I can change to the prototype account by opening a new prototype account and sending a letter of instruction to FIDO requesting that they do a non-reportable, transfer in kind of the assets in my current account to the newly established account.
I'll take a close look at Schwab, TD Ameritrade, and TRP, but (most) other things being equal, I'll probably stick with FIDO.
Again, thanks for the suggestions.