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Looking for a tool similar to "Market Watch" that can handle more than 5 funds per search

Mutual Fund Comparison

Tickers (limit 5):
Compare: Returns Risk Fees Holdings
Symbol Fund Name 1 Wk 13 Wk YTD 1 Yr 3 Yr (Annualized) 5 Yr (Annualized) 10 Yr (Ann)
FPACX FPA Crescent -0.06% 2.45% 2.76% 11.52% 10.31% 13.46% 9.02%
PRWCX T P Cap App -0.41% 2.50% 4.05% 13.60% 12.10% 15.70% 9.42%
YACKX Yacktman -0.12% 4.31% 2.72% 10.18% 12.55% 18.41% 10.83%
BERIX Berwyn Inc -0.28% 2.55% 3.28% 11.00% 8.71% 11.94% 8.36%
DVY iShares:Sel Div ETF -1.02% 4.68% 4.27% 13.66% 14.65% 19.91% 7.25%

The chart above shows some funds that I have recently screened. I find this tool very useful because the annualized returns show built in income and gains distributions. What is frustrating to me is that there is an arbitrary limit of 5.
Does anyone have a site where the ticker entry is unlimited?



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