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In this Discussion

Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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New feature: "in this discussion" plug-in

One concern with the Vanilla software is that it's hard to tell, at a glance, who has been involved. To help address that concern, Chip has added the "in this discussion" plug-in. On the right side of each discussion, you'll see that links to the various forums. Beneath that, there's an alphabetized list of all of the folks who've contributed to that discussion and the date of their last contribution. Clicking on a contributor's name will take you to his/her MFO homepage.

I'd say, "let us know what you think," but I suspect you'd do that even without invitation.




  • edited September 2011
    Is this enabled yet?
    I'm not seeing a list of thread participants...

    Update: I guess the original poster is not counted in the list. Now that I posted this, my user did appear in the list.

    However, I would prefer if this list was brought on top of Bookmarked Discussions (or bookmarked discussions are removed from this side bar, they can be accessed from main list).


    - I've got a pretty lengthy Bookmarked discussion list and I do not see the need to have all that list generated on the side bar each time I open a message. It is growing and growing...

    - It also adds to unnecessary bandwidth consumption of the web site potentially increasing $$$ that David has to pay to the hosting company.

    - Even if there might not be additional costs (for David) for other people using the page on mobile devices there might and it slows down the page rendering.

    I would really would like to remove Bookmarked Discussions from the side bar.
  • edited September 2011
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • not bad, I'll have to test it out on a longer discussion. It seems like this could be a nice feature.
  • edited September 2011
    Might be nice if you could click on the time/date of the person's last post to bring you to their last post in the discussion

    I think the best new feature would be to allow two letter names;)
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