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What You're Really Paying In 401(k) And IRA Fees

FYI: (Follow-Up Article)

You’re probably paying more than you realize.
A recent study by the Federal Reserve, the Survey of Consumer Finances, found that Americans’ retirement savings in IRA and 401(k) plans are not quite as solid as they should be. If you're going to be successful with your retirement savings, it is critical that you understand the fees and expenses you are incurring.



  • Let’s face it; 401(k) sponsors are thieves.
    Company executives and their HR people are accomplices.

    None of these people make it a point to emphasize
    or explain in detail what plan participants are paying.

    If the HR department or the investment committee sent
    a letter or e-mail to each plan participant at the end of the year
    stating, “This is the amount of dollars you’ve paid this year”,
    people would see how the thieves are robbing
    their retirement savings.

    Of course, the letter/e-mail would actually be more helpful
    if it said something like, “And here’s how you could
    reduce these costs”.
    But that would be the suppression of the heterodoxy.

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