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Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.

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Happy Thanksgiving MFO's



  • LOL!! I wish everyone a very happy and safe Thanksgiving and a strong finish to the year!!

  • Happy Thanksgiving. The guys at veterans benefit network found this for Thanksgiving. I enjoyed. Maybe someone here might too.
  • Thanksgiving is the day people travel 100s miles to see family they see once a year,
    to discover that once a year is too often....have fun
  • We're all still here and more or less together
    And, for the better and worse, that's what really matters
    Far far more than what's on all the silly platters.
    Health Insurance Sticker Shock
    | FundStudentNovember 18 253 views 127 comments | Last Mona 10:00PMOff-Topic

    Just in case.....

    Making Conversation
    What to Do When Thanksgiving Gets Political
    Nov 26, 2014 4:47 AM CST Arit John
    "For some, Thanksgiving is about being thankful for all of life’s blessings, big and small. For others it’s a dare, challenging you to get through hours worth of vitriolic political debate, when the most liberal and the most conservative factions of your family come together to discuss topical controversies. "
  • We always had a contest who could say something( controversial) first that would make Aunt Mildred leave the table and go sit in the car.....I won a lot.....go figure
  • @Tampabay: Now that's really hard for me to believe!! LOL
    Happy thanksgiving to all, Derf
  • Happy Thanksgiving to all MFO members!
  • thanks everyone for contributions. This website is one of the best website in the world
    happy thanksgiving everyone...gobble gobble
  • Happy holiday to all. LOVE LOVE LOVE "Alice's Restaurant." Had my own lovely little altercation with the year 2012 iteration of Stockbridge's Officer Obie, a couple of years ago. Guess I'm in good company, eh?
    .........I didn't do anything wrong, Obie! I'm innocent, I tell ya! I didn't even put an envelope under a half a ton of garbage. But take all the pictures you want, so that the Judge's seeing-eye dog can enjoy them.:)
  • Happy Thanksgiving Ted! And all MFO board members. My favorite holiday. Always a pleasure.
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