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2014 over..Be happy investors

Investors selling off the last few days and market is down (below 18,000 dow) Fine be Happy, we got double digits returns for 2014, did you expect more?
2015 is a new game...let the games begin, FIRST let me drink a few 100 buds and hope FSU wins Again and Again..
Stock market (concerns) next week/year


  • Tampabay,

    While it's impossible to get the measure of a person simply by their posts,
    I get the impression that you are of the same philosophy as my
    brother-in-law, who says, "We're not here for a long time. We're here for a good time!"

    Hey, I like that attitude.

    Best wishes,
  • What else would we be here for?....labor, stress, worry? I'm your reality this Site I think I Like your brother in law, smart sister....
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