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Mark Hulbert: Two Antidotes To Stock-Market Volatility

FYI: How to stop being scared of volatility and instead welcome it.


  • "The first falls in the “don’t get mad, get even” category: Put limit orders well below the market for stocks on your buy list, and well above the market on issues you already own. Upon doing that, you may very well find yourself secretly yearning for more rather than less volatility — since it increases the odds of buying attractive stocks at far lower prices, and selling your current holdings at much higher prices."

    No better way to make money in the Stock market!...I don't actually put orders in until Prices get close( no 60 day orders) to what I want, A paper list of buy stocks/funds (at bottom prices) taped to one side of monitor...A sell price list on other side for the best(highest) price I can get (stick-ups everywhere)......Presto...
    I guarantee you will love VOLATILITY...tb
  • so what's on the buy list taped to your monitor now? just the top five, if you wish:-).
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