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Top Performing Health Care Funds Bruised

FYI: Health care stock funds are the top-performing sector category for the past 15 years, but they were bruised Monday by sharp declines in biotech and medical stocks. Health care fund performance has soared above gains by runners-up communications and consumer discretionary in recent years.

Enlarged Graphic:


  • One bad day a bruise makes not, other than for a catchy headline.

    Long PRHSX and not feeling 'bruised' at all.
  • My view really remains investing with a primary focus on "needs" over "wants". Healthcare remains a primary focus and one day doesn't change anything, nor would a longer stretch.
  • Because of imminent closure of prhsx, as soon as I heard the news, I had opened a foothold in my IRA account too ( Having an account in taxable- since Jan 2008)
  • to be expected but so what, I have funds with large percentages of healthcare and all I want and diversified.
  • +11.5% ytd In Healthcare love my bruising....stk mkt +3.7%
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