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DAILYALTS: Plates Are Shifting

FYI: While the major equity indexes continue to scrape and crawl their way higher in this market bounce, many of the following markets left for dead have now entered NEW bull markets: Greece, Russia, Brazil, Crude Oil, Oil Service, Energy MLPs, Gold, Metal and Miners, and even the Transports. After years of outperformance from the FANG and Momentum stocks, the market of 2016 is seeing a shift toward underperforming, highly leveraged, worst quality companies and geographies that it can find.


  • edited March 2016
    Yup. The plates seem to be shifting. Somewhat overblown hyperbole though.

    Lots of interesting charts. Reference to some hedge funds making a killing shorting oil and gold in recent years is interesting. If they now have to cover those shorts, that's a headwind for those sectors.

    Good link Ted (whether you agree with his conclusions or not).
  • @hank I'm not sure if Blaine Rollins' "weekly briefings" appear every week in; but if you like his broad sashay thru the prior week, to get yourself prepared for the week in progress, you can go to the source here:
    It's mostly data trends he thinks were interesting, with some general impressions thrown in. Not infrequently, it will include something unmentioned in the MSM.
  • @heezsafe: Are you aware that David Snowball and Mutual Fund Observer has a working relationship with Brian Haskin's publisher of the DAILYALTS. Therefore, the Linkster will continue to link articles by Blaine Rollins, formely of Janus Funds, through DAILYALTS rather than 361 Capital.
  • edited March 2016

    Thanks - But I added a gold fund, a real estate fund and an EM-bond fund to the mix on Sept. 9 ('15). Added an EM-equity fund (Latin America) on Jan. 18 ('16). These were not popular moves at the time. All have jumped since purchase - in he case of gold and EM-stocks about 35% and 25% respectively.

    I'd prefer to move before the markets have ratcheted-up 10-40% and the pundits have issued their reports.

  • @Heezsafe: My hat is off to you on you gold andEM stocks move !
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