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Mark Hulbert: September Is The Worst Month For U.S. Stocks, And No One Knows Why

FYI: September is an awful month for the U.S. stock market, regardless of how you slice and dice the data.
Since the Dow Jones Industrial Average was created in the late 1890s, September has produced an average loss of 1.1%. The 11 other months of the calendar, in contrast, have produced an average gain of 0.8%.

CXO Advisory September Trading Calandar:


  • Ah, but what about the next month? As stated in Pudd'nhead Wilson’s Calendar of 1894:

    “October: This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August and February.”
    ― Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson

    Relax, enjoy.
  • The first 11 trading days of September have been positive. It is the last 13 trading days that have negative returns. Wait until September 13 before selling :>)
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