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Hello everyone- what do you think about Spgp ETF? too high price?sustainable- thanks for any answers


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  • Hello everyone- what
    do you think about Spgp ETF? too high price?sustainable- thanks for any answers
    January 26
  • Hi Guys- whatteya think?? Is that ETF Garp worth a look?? I kinda like its style-I wonder about its susstainability- any thoughts would be appeciated
    December 2023
  • Guys-methinks Wasatch is another nova burnout
    November 2022
  • Ive had Prwcx for 20 years- Love it!!!
    June 2020
  • Married couple-friends of mine- retired to France 5 years ago.She gets her pension from a Massachusetts teaching job. Also, they have their choice- pay US taxes or French taxes, not both.Not someplace Id be interested in retiring to, however hopefully Ive added something to the discussion. Cheers!! Me ? Maine is heaven-ayuh
    September 2018
  • BennyB joined.
    Welcome Aboard!
    February 2018