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Member, TBO Private


  • why you say we may never see our money? if this guy is caught and put in jail (I am sure they can track him down now that they have copy of his passport and photo) , FBI can seize his assets to reimburse us all;
    April 2023
  • I talked to Elaine Blancaflor and she had a slight eastern europe accent; I had to ask her to speak up; I have an email from support@tbocapital that cc'd 3 other people; Kris boac, Elaine blancaflor and Michael jobs.

    October 2022
    • rileywiley
      Hi balyan55, fellow victim of TBO here. I am not the greatest at saving emails - deleted most of the ones I received from TBO. Is there any way you can forward me those email addresses? Helping w investigation with my bank reps! My email is [email protected]