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  • TheShadow
    Good afternoon,

    I believe the link you updated was the link from 2020. There is a new CG post for 2021 only. I have not posted 2021's capital gains yet for Victory Funds.

    October 2021
  • TheShadow
    Sorry, I think it is the decorum post that was accidentally dismissed.
    June 2020
  • johnN
    Hi Sir/ Thank You. kind regards. Did not want it to be political but there were some good discussions. United we stand divided we fall.
    April 2020
  • VintageFreak
    Sorry not exactly sure if you will see this. you sent me a private message and i replied, but providing same reference here...

    Charles Ferguson's inside job has details. I forget the name of the professor, but he stops the interview just after Charles asks him the tough questions...

    October 2015
  • chip
    Hope the fair was fun.
    August 2015