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  • CNBC lost it's mojo years ago - except for Fox, they have *the* most annoying bunch of on-camera "personalities" (I use the term loosely) of any network, financial or otherwise... including Joe Kernan (sorry Scott). Their collective & chronic pr…
  • This is happening to me today, too: just the latest few postings are showing on conversations. I've tried signing in & out several times to no avail. This wasn't happening last week. Frustrating. I'm using IE 7.0, just fyi... Thx
  • HI CathyG - Didn't experience that problem myself when I clicked on Ted's link... just fyi. Perhaps "software-blocked" if you are trying to read on a work computer?... But of course none of us would *ever* do that now, would we...? ;)
  • Ditto what Ted and Kenster1 said - should be a raving success! Looking forward to hanging out/lurking/posting here, as well as learning from those who are so much more knowledgeable than I. Thanks so much!!!