Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
The market will ignore the madness until it doesn’t. We all acknowledge the market hates uncertainty. EVERY F_____g ASPECT of America is uncertain. And we are only three weeks in. I have been amazed how an already expensive market has ignored the…
I am mildly interested in a lower cost prime money market. As of right now the share price of PMMF is not unchanged. It is slightly up … Does this account not have a stable share price? Is it really just another bond fund trying to market itself a…
@David. Thanks for the idea but my whole reoccurring 1fund dream is that my widow won’t have to mess with it. I have been playing with Portfolio Visualizer this morning and also trying to see if my wife would rather be a boglehead or a one funder.…
I really want to have a one fund solution but I always find a reason to rule out every contender. Too much international,,, too long a bond duration,,, too much tech,,, not enough tech. But the main reason is I am afraid of being locked into 70% fi…
@PopTart. I agree totally ! Much of what’s going on is distraction. Or perhaps a side show at a circus. The main event is musk and the castration of congress. He doesn’t need a hundred days to wreck what took generations to build. RIP amerika.…
Maybe the regime isn’t as inept as they seem and the end goal has always been to usurp the constitutional powers given to the legislative branch. Perhaps things are much much worse than a clown with a sharpie signing this and that. Dictators take ov…
@rforno. This seems like a big deal. It seems now like he is pushing the envelope day by day and waiting for pushback,,,,, which doesn’t exist. He is blowing past the rule of law, checks and balances and moving into a whole new order of unchecked …
@JD_co. You say “The Democrats blew it this election. “. I say the 77,301,997 Americans who voted for him blew it. My mail man or the dog catcher who patrols our neighborhood would be less destructive to democracy, the general health and well be…
I would be negligent to take my boat out when gale warnings are posted and I would be a fool to invest while ignoring shock and awe warning are likewise posted. I don’t see how one can think about investing while ignoring the political situation in …
Getting my wife to be interested in our investments is an exercise in futility. And yet as business partners for three decades she managed our largest and most complex accounts solo. At sea she was a brilliant (celestial) navigator. You can’t for…
@dt. Great to see your post. Missed your conversations that are totally relevant for investors of a certain age and circumstance. Facing the same challenges and I am guided Buffet’s Rule Number one.
@racqueteer… A question for you. Excuse me if I am dense. Are you making a distinction between a trade and an investment? And where on that spectrum would we find a speculation?
@BaluBalu. For me it is always easier to make the buy decision then the sell. I have been at this since 1984 and my list of famous and successful managers that I have invested with is a long one. I could not prove it but I think I would be miles ah…
@BaluBalu. With all due respect, a regional war in the Middle East will impact our precious investments and so it is a very relevant topic. If you want total purity of your investment discussions check out bogleheads. The fact is that investments …
@FD. Thanks for pointing out some historical facts and the hypocrisy of the recent calls for Israel to cease fire. A point we don’t hear about too often is that Iran and proxies want to end Israel. That’s a pretty existential threat.
@ FD. For several years the total return on CD’s killed bond funds for everyone but you. The situation was shorted lived but lots of risk free cash flow was fun while it lasted.
@Baseball_Fan. Asking myself the very same question. If this bunch of low risk money is in a taxable account the answer will be different than if a tax deferred situation. Are you willing to increase the risk level for this pile of money? Is it mo…
Speaking as an old guy with hindsight,,,, it always comes back. Speaking as an old guy,,, it might not be comeback in my lifetime. I don’t think younger folks often understand the circumstances of the elders. I know I never gave em a thought. Now I…
@Sma3. All good points. This old retired guy thinks that the 50/ 50 allocation the 4% rule is based on to too aggressive for sleeping well. I am thinking more in terms of dollars at risk instead of %. A 15% decline sounds sorta benign compared to t…
@mark. Thanks for sharing that link. Mr .Kotlikoff convinced me his product is not for me. Having been retired for almost six years I have figured out that the finances of retirement are an always moving target that will defy precision modeling ,,,…