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  • To be fair I have been with Schwab for many decades. I ALWAYS have quick access to engaged and professional reps. Until this experience I have never been unable to get a clear answer and resolution to whatever was concerning me. In this instance I…
  • @FD. Thanks for your input. I went thru multiple escalations originally thru private client. Got no where. My local assigned rep called me. He,,, like all the others were sympathetic and amazed by my issue. But nothing else …. So I tried chat jus…
  • The chat rep was gone for five minutes while she was looking for the answer. That made me think she was inexperienced and had to ask a supervisor how to answer my request. I did get an unexpected and unsolicited call from the FC I am assigned to. …
  • The “private client services” rep mentioned it. So I asked how to reach them in chat( thanks Crash) and was told not for clients to speak with.
  • The usual Schwab in that I have had great access to nice folks who agreed with my frustration but no fix. So I tried to reach the so called “client advocacy team “ which I found out was impossible. I wonder if such a team really exists. No one kn…
  • Rick Ferri says four funds,,, Bogleheads say three. As the dude would say” it’s just like your opinion man. “. And opinions are like something else that everyone has.
  • @MSF. Thanks for sharing your research. Great work.
  • “To each his own, it’s all unknown.” Bob Dylan. 1970. Hank. You are an experienced investor and your allocation is what’s right for you at this stage of your life. I advise my affluent youngest daughter with her allocation and I always have to r…
  • @ Graust. Your remarks about the current invest scene are cogent and worth reading. With all due respect have you not noticed that the political party you proclaim your allegiance to no longer exists?
  • @sfnative. Thanks for starting this thoughtful discussion. The silver medal is worthy of our attention and for me the biggest take away is to be reminded that the rock star managers fade away. I am an old guy and started investing in funds in the e…
  • And to tie it together can we speculate how the fairness and transparency of a rules based market system would end if the FED, the SEC and Justice Department were all run by maga stooges? The end of the rule of law would end investing as we know it…
  • I appreciate that the owner and moderators of this board have not stopped this discussion. Thank you. And I appreciate that for the most part the participants have been respectful and not resorted to childish name calling.
  • Once upon a time,,, the party that supported capitalism and democracy had a left and right wing. They were called the Democrats and the Republicans. The members of both parties were mostly politicians, not statesmen but they took care of the count…
  • @sma3….. generally agree with your comments but have to ask if you trust the government or big energy to deal with climate change and pollution? We can debate what the appropriate goal of government should be but the goal of corporations is to make …
  • @sma3. You nailed it. Thanks.
  • To those who would rather not discuss politics in this forum I understand. The discussion can and will likely mirror our national discourse or lack there of. And while politics might not impact our collective portfolios in the next quarter,,,, the …
  • @Crash. Right on bro!
  • It seems as though PYLD has a broad enough mandate to range wide and far,,,, up and down the credit quality ladder. And we won’t know what they are doing till after the fact. I too would prefer an ETF but I made a promise to myself to avoid levera…
  • @catch22. And excellent recall to you. Saw The Who at Cobo Hall around 1970 or so. Memorable.
  • I guess it boils down to a simple question: should one invest in something they don’t understand,,,, never knowing what’s in the black box? Or should past performance and the reputation of the manager be enough reason to invest?
  • @Hank. Since we are looking at Pimco Funds asset allocation please check out the popular PIMIX. As The Who said so many years ago,,,,, Can’t Explain.
  • Retired guy here. I understand the real and emotional need to try to generate income. But at the end of the day the first rule is do not lose money. Check out the TOTAL RETURN numbers and decide if these three are the best way to go. It also ma…
  • Does this new policy apply to clients enrolled in a 401k at work? My daughter has a Vanguard retirement plan from her employer and she is being kicked out of Wellington and being automatically migrated to a JP Morgan age appropriate TDF unless she …
  • Will not bother the Bogleheads. They don’t trade or even look at their statements. Or so they say.
  • Thanks for sharing this. Primecap closed since 2004 it says. What has changed that would prompt this opening now?
  • Thanks to all for sharing…… I am particularly interested in conflicting desires in portfolio design. Optimization vs simplification. Like many things in life one can make such changes too soon or too late. Hard to get the timing just right.
  • @stillers. Perhaps another universe is oddly phrased, but my financial life would be entirely different if I had a pension check roll in every month. Many decisions would be looked at differently.
  • Thanks for posting. I have always thought that retired folks with pensions lived in another universe compared to the rest of us. I wonder if most pension recipients pay much attention to what is going on behind the scenes at their fund?
  • Another current situation my agent told me about. I asked her to write a homeowner policy for my daughter who had a policy with a company leaving California. She was able to wire it with a top company but was only able to write one new business pol…
  • Former insurance agency owner here. Limited churn works both ways. We worked really hard at retention and caught business that left agents who didn’t take care of their clients. The independent agent who handles our insurance is not thrilled with …
  • Same here! SWAN
  • Have you looked at the credit quality of the FI sleeve, the expense ratio, the minuscule amount of assets under management and how long the management has been running a fund?
  • @David. Since I started this thread. I will answer your question with why I had an interest. I find that the rule is often quoted so I wondered aloud why some fund company didn’t offer a 50/50 fund fitting Bengen model. Personally I think the r…
  • @Low_Tech. Cool idea. What are the odds of that working for a thirty year retirement?
  • I believe the 1994 paper called for 50/50 and adjust withdrawals for inflation.
  • @Hondo. I get that. I try and try and try to get my dear wife interested or motivated to do exactly what you describe. Massive fail on my part. My fall back is just do Wellesley and do done with it but so far I refuse.
  • Even SCHD was up 1.84%. Maybe a flip to value but my pessimist buddy used to tell me that one warm day does not a summer make.
  • dt. I am sure you know this but others may not. I have learned that you can buy a CD and not pay for it till the settlement date. So if you have a CD maturing on the 4th and you spot one that you want and it doesn’t settle till the 7th you can pu…
  • dt. I am a happy retiree at 5.2%. Also worth mentioning are more choices from too big to fail banks as opposed to small no name banks. If one has no need to take risks this is a happy time.