Here's a statement of the obvious: The opinions expressed here are those of the participants, not those of the Mutual Fund Observer. We cannot vouch for the accuracy or appropriateness of any of it, though we do encourage civility and good humor.
It may also be the recognition that traditional bonds were not behaving well, and this was often what one found in allocation funds. I think many, like me, chose to separate their bond and equity components and work with them separately to get bett…
In fairness, "Palestinians" never actually owned anything of note. Nor, apparently do Arabians in general. The Middle East has always been "owned" by the monarchs and strongmen. The anti-Israel militant groups strong-armed those areas which were …
I heartily agree with you, dt, that individual circumstance has a great deal of impact, at least in principle, on one's financial positioning, what one considers 'risky', and how much risk one is willing to incorporate into one's investments. All o…
Risk is an odd and variable concept. People tend to view things which haven't exhibited poor outcomes as being "riskless", but just because something hasn't manifested, does not mean that its potential isn't present. Unless you believe in "somethi…
On that note, since FD is invested solely in 'bonds', he can freely take on some risk if he chooses. For someone with exposure to equities, it may be that s/he does not wish to take any additional risk on the bond side. With a baseline of 60% in e…
I’ll go out on a limb and predict HSGFX (even with its new name) will continue its 15-year track record of losing money for investors.
On that note, how does one get away with being a permabear in a market that traditionally advances the vast major…
Unfortunately, the divide between the Parties has expanded, and the quest for support within each Party has resulting in a disproportionate voice for vocal fringe groups within each Party. The centrists of each group are inhibited from finding comm…
Without the incentive to purchase, the EV becomes a niche product, and Elon has that market. He'd like to position himself as the auto-driving choice (auto-taxi, etc.). This action makes it very difficult for even China to compete domestically. M…
Drill baby drill will definitely be a theme for the incoming administration. Any suggestions on how best to capitalize on that?
Fill up the tank and go for a drive?
Gas is under 3 bucks for the first time since we moved to the Phoenix metro eight …
The various political philosophies are largely benevolent in theory, but people, in general, are inherently less so. It has often been recognized that a benevolent dictatorship is probably the best form for a government to take. The issue is alway…
A fairly common logical fallacy when dealing with people. Their actions tend to have multiple inputs and influences, and no reliable conclusions can be drawn by comparing the resulting outcomes. Trying to guess what might have occurred if someone …
Looking at a single issue, or from a single POV, things look differently. Sure, we can produce tons of oil; more than we do now. You always have the option of producing more if you set your mind to that. The reality is that there is more than tha…
If you can buy the same item locally for the same price, it would obviously make no difference. As noted above, many items are either constructed from, or constructed by non-local sources. In the absence of a truly competitive alternative, the cos…
As to what constitutes "that moment in time", I can only speak for myself. I tend to look for things which are showing a pattern of doing well over the last couple of weeks as a validation of performance over the last month or two. Something that …
Trading is data-driven. As such, stale data (what has happened in the 'distant' past), and non-existing data (what will happen in the future) are of little assistance or predictive value. All that matters is what is at that moment in time. The re…
Portfolio construction matters if you are basically passive; or, at most, B&H. Someone who trades need have little concern about such details. So yes, Mike, while FD can do portfolio construction, it isn't really his way of doing things genera…
I think the problem with selling is often the violation of a basic tenant: Never turn a trade into an investment. You go into a trade (hopefully) with an expectation of a specific outcome. You should also have a specific profit goal. When you rea…
@racqueteer… A question for you. Excuse me if I am dense. Are you making a distinction between a trade and an investment? And where on that spectrum would we find a speculation?
To the first question, the answer is yes. As to a speculation, I'm…
I think the problem with selling is often the violation of a basic tenant: Never turn a trade into an investment. You go into a trade (hopefully) with an expectation of a specific outcome. You should also have a specific profit goal. When you rea…
I have a good friend who has always maintained that the model for the weather was flawed; even before any global warming effects were considered. He was convinced that the historical weather patterns were atypical, and they were the basis for the p…
Quite frankly, while the overall government's policy may affect the financial condition of the country, this notion that the President in office is responsible for everything that happens is a real stretch. As someone who appreciates logic, it's ap…
You're being active in choosing the original make-up of the portfolio. Do you anticipate continuing to be active in modifying the portfolio? If not, do you want the managers to be active in adjusting their allocations? IOW, how rigid do you want …
There's a middle ground, though, @hank. You can change the volatility of your holdings; rather than outright selling everything and later buying everything back. Volatility is your friend on an upswing, but not on a downturn! Get quiet; rather th…
I've had occasion to deal with reps on a couple of occasions since moving from TDA, and my experiences have been positive. Many were with TDA originally; so that may not mean anything. I must say, Crash, you seem to have had an inordinate degree o…
Obviously, there's no 'right' answer to this question, and probably only makes sense if you are a B&H investor.
Additionally, an indexer will likely hold less than ten positions, anyway; maybe as few as one.
I'm also going to nitpick a little now that the discussion is (maybe) winding down, but the original question was problematic from the get-go. "Proportional" means that when the variable changes, the result varies by some fixed factor. "Directly p…
Whatever you say, FD. Clearly, being perceived as being 'right' is more important to you than it is to me. My original response to you was fairly innocuous, obviously valid, and you could have chosen to simply drop the matter there. But instead, …
Which do you prefer, FD, 100% correct or 90% correct and 10% wrong (which makes it wrong)? I personally prefer to make my statements 100% right if at all possible - Don't you? If nothing else, it reduces the occasions when I'm wrong. There are fa…
So what you're saying mirrors my own statement. You can find people for which each approach could be 'correct' or 'incorrect'. Your original post said nothing about "the average Joe". For someone who trades, the fund is probably the inferior prod…
So what you're saying mirrors my own statement. You can find people for which each approach could be 'correct' or 'incorrect'. Your original post said nothing about "the average Joe". For someone who trades, the fund is probably the inferior prod…
The use of ETF is inferior because some people may panic and sell in the middle of the day just to find later the price reverse.
Cuts both ways, though. Some may hold the OEF throughout the day just to find out that the price may have been higher…
Yes, price, by itself, doesn't tell you the value of an investment if distributions are being reinvested (not to mention if the distributions are spent). Nor do distributions, by themselves, indicate the value of an investment. Only the total retu…
I'm happy to share, but my allocation varies; as does its composition; so I'm not sure what benefit anyone could derive from that?
At the moment, there is a very narrow focus within US LC, and I'm effectively near my 'normal' allocation levels: